Friday, April 29, 2011


This morning I was on time and my ride was running ten minutes late. In those ten minutes I took a picture (look up). Sometimes we travel and find grandeur and forget the beauty we have - literally - in our own backyard. In those ten minutes I wrote a poem (look down).

Today I bought horoscopes for the dead:

What She Said

by Billy Collins

When he told me he expected me to pay for dinner,
I was like give me a break.

I was not the exact equivalent of give me a break.
I was just similar to give me a break.

As I said, I was like give me a break.

I would love to tell you
how I was able to resemble give me a break
without actually being identical to give me a break,

but all I can say is that I sensed
a similarity between me and give me a break.

And that was close enough
at that point in the evening

even if it meant I would fall short
of standing up from the table and screaming
give me a break,

for God's sake will you please give me a break?!

No, for that moment
with the rain streaking the restaurant windows
and the waiter approaching,

I felt the most I could be was like

to a certain degree

give me a break.

(You can hear a wonderful reading of the this poem, by Garrison Keilor, here.)

Pesach lingers. Erica Brown wrote a beautiful Torah piece in last week's Jewish Week about layers of memory. She makes it look easy. She compares Dovd HMelech's song in Shmuel II, chapter 22, the Haftorah reading on the seventh day of Pesach with the Az Yashir. An interesting common denominator appears when looking at these two victory songs. They each speak in water terms. David HaMelech is arguably evoking the terminology of the Jews who were saved at sea, as he speaks of being engulfed, feeling like he would drown - till he was saved by G-d. Both of these successes began with stepping up despite the fear. David stood up to Goliath because he believed - against all odds that he could. The Jews stepped into the sea and then walls of water formed. Michael Fishbane writes that, "this layering of memory is an essential feature of Jewish cultural consciousness." The similarity of experienced events and emotions continues to propel us and keep us alive throughout Jewish history. Brown adds that "creating acts of meaning in the present is only possible because of the impossibility of our Jewish past... On Passover, we affirm the impossible and, thereby, create infinite possibilities for future generations." Please G-d.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Thoughtful Review By Someone Who Really "Got It"

I got this arm-twisting email from a dear friend this morning:

"Did you see this from LookJed? Outstanding!

You're modest, but put it on your blog! Show your students. Really."


In the Field: A Collection of Haiku

By Neil Fleischmann 2011

Reviewed by Dan Rosen

Two of the most confounding topics in the Yeshiva High School classroom are spirituality and poetry. Both ask the individual to give over his reason and suspend the rational aspect of the self. Formal poetry, like religious law compounds this by expecting the irrational to conform to strictures which might seem to stifle the very exploration which the underlying mode of expression should be encouraging. The combination of the two disciplines might be, then, doubly daunting.

Rabbi Neil Fleischmann's recent collection of haiku, In the Field turns this expectation on its head and makes the introspection and self reflection of both the poem and the mystical sense accessible and even desirable. This work, with the traditional Japanese form organized into groupings about the self, the other and the divine, uses plain language to engage the reader in the deeper questions of place and meaning. In the classroom, the poems, in their seeming simplicity, crystallize the messages of yahadus without imposing codes of law, as they present 17 syllables without demanding that the reader stretch and twist to justify form. Rabbi Fleischmann has been teaching Jewish studies at the Frisch School for the past fifteen years. He presently teaches Talmud, Chumash and English and is Director of Torah Guidance so he understands the challenges teachers and students run into, daily, in these areas.

When confronted with the challenge of getting students to read and appreciate poetry without feeling that they are stumbling over forced lines, or getting students to think about the divine without feeling like they are being coerced into belief, it is heartening to know that a unique text like Rabbi Fleischmann's finds a way to bring these two challenges together and makes the task all the easier for it. The teacher in the classroom trying to integrate the religious and the secular, the Rebbe, trying to get students to look at time worn edicts in a new way or the English teacher, looking for contemporary and clear examples of traditional forms would do well to look into In the Field as a valuable resource.

Available at

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Elite Dimensions Passover Tour At The Honor's Haven Resort and Spa Just Adjacent To Ellenville, New York


Haiku Are You - Vacation/Omer Edition (Click Here For Link)

One of my greatest joys in sharing haiku here aover the last 6 years is that others have started writing haiku via mine.

Here are a few fresh ones sent to me by a friend, which I'd like to keep as Anonymous.

Is it what happens
during vacation that counts
or life in between?

Try and change ourselves
Counting Sfirat Haomer
That is where we count

Where do we see change?
L'fum tza'ara agra
Effort is the key

So Long, Farewell

"My bags are packed and I'm ready to go." Waiting for other family members who previously were waiting for me. The hotel is emptying out. A quasi-world disappears. I learned a bit over Yom Tov from a sefer based on psak of R Shlomo Zalman about Yom Tov Sheni. He deals with someone from Israel coming to a hotel in chutz laAretz. He says that in an exile community an Israeli shouldn't do "work" in private out of respect for the community. But a hotel is not set in the same way and therefore an Israeli can do melacha in private. Interesting ramifications. Hotels exist in the Twilight Zone.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On The First Night of Gevurah Week...

Yom Tov, and with it Pesach, sended two hours ago. Tomorrow I'll be leaving the hotel formerly known as the Fallsview. I've been thinking a lot; these Catskill hotels are fascinating. Someone thought they were doing a great favor by making all the buildings connected so you never have to walk outside. I guess deep down somewhere, someone cared about the mountains, otherwise they could have opened these hotels in the city (unless of course it's just that the price was right up here). I had three outdoor moments since I came up here four days ago. Right after lunch there was a guided tour to the nearby waterfalls, Sunday early A.M. I sat by the lake and watched a holy mist rise over the mountains. Yesterday I took a walk on the road leading up to the hotel. On Sunday A.M. there was no-one around except a fellow and his dog, hanging by the lake. It was a cool time.

Right after I arrived on Friday I ate lunch and then went on a hotel sponsored walk. The guide was a professional nature man. Later, in the gift shop, I bought one of his photos of a bird. The crowd of about twelve people moved slowly and cautiously up to the falls. Then they sat and rested for a while. Then we turned back. A colleague of mine once presented a lecture at an Orthodox Jewish educators convention that took place over a Shabbos at the nearby Homowack. In his talk to rabbis and teachers he said , "I'm sure that every one here at some point over the week-end looked around and thought 'mah rabu ma'asecha Hashem.'" I'm not sure at all. I think somehow the beauty of the location here gets muted by eating and a other diversions.

I have more to say - want to writ about what I learned in Psachim about Ohr and clean language, in Rav Pam's sefer on that topic and more (and why his sefer is called Atarah LeMelech), what I read in Nechamah about Yosef, Hegyonei Halachah on half Hallel on Pesach. I want to write about conversations, interactions, insights.

Phoebe Snow just died
It wasn't Poetry Man
Which song touched me so?

John Mayer won't stop
So he claims about the train
Midnight and I write

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chag Sameach

After ten years of working on the service side of Pesach vacations it's not so easy to be a guest in a hotel. It's n0t that hard either, don't get me wrong. Here I am in the Honor's Haven Resort and Spa (formerly the Fallsview) brought to me by Elite Dimensions Passover Tours. I felt compelled to speak publicly at least once. People said it was well presented and "polished." I hope so. After giving about 15 talks every Pesach over ten years you'd hope it gets good. There's so much talk about the food that you can forget that the Catskills are the Jewish Alps. This morning I sat and thought as I watched the lake. Though probably man-made , it is still the most beautiful thing in the place. It did just fine. I sat and breathed while ducks squawked, birds chirped, all in agreement...

Yom Tov is moments away - wishing redemption for us all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Say The Word

Love is the theme of this week in the form of the realm of chesed. We also read about love in Shir HaShirim. May we be blessed this Shabbos to learn and grow in our love of self, other's and G-d.

Love is the answer
Love preceded all questions
I feel love right now

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Pulitzer winner's list came out today. Maurice Manning was a runner up for poetry. Here are four of his poems in text and with audio. I recommend reading them and listening to them at the same time. it goes down smoother that way I think. He sounds a bit like Mr. Rogers but he's grittier. His voice is the voice of Mr. Rogers and his words are the words of a wise guy. I'm taken by his work, so far (first four). He's conversational and clever like Billy Collins, but heavier and darker in the best ways one can be more-so heavy and more-so dark without being morose. I just read the last of the four. Strong, maybe too much. Perhaps I should give Kay Ryan another try. She was U.S. Poet Laureate and now won a Pulitzer so there may very well be more to her than I've been able to appreciate so far.

I wrote too poems today. My writing and sharing poetry brings me self pride. I published a book. It wasn't easy for me to make a decision to put something imperfect out there in the world. I did it. You can buy it directly from me (at a special price, maybe not the full Radiohead/In Rainbows approach but we can talk). You can also buy it here and maintain your anonymity while supporting Lulu a little more and me-me a little less.


Just doing is a fright,
Undressing, exposing all doubt, in the light.
Myopia dictates, "Stay in place."
People take heed or lose the life race.


Fools eat their life away
Only to die hungry
Or to never live at all
David sings, "Taste G-d's goodness."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good Moed Jewish Am

Prismatic Pesach:
Redemption rainbow.
You see the colors?
There are dark hues of bondage,
Painted over with new light

Last year I wrote briefly about my sedarim. I am inclined again (for reasons that will go mostly unsaid) (unthought?) (unread?) (was that last one for the rhyme?) (I do that sometimes) to write in shorthand. The sedarim were rich and beautiful (and felt just the right length, if not a bit short, although they went till after 3AM). I learned and remembered things. Amazing discussions. Someone says that we say the point of the thing about the rasha and teeth is as follows: We say to him, how would you like it if I took away your teeth? That would be hard because teeth are needed to get food into us so we can digest it and live. Similarly, in answer to his question - what do all these procedures mean to you? - mitzvot are needed to get spiritual nourishment inside of us so that we can live. There are the four sons - Echad chacham, ve'echad rasha, ve'echad tam, ve'echad she'eino yodeiah lish'ol. I never noticed before that the phrasing here is unusual. Why does it say echad before each one, usually it just says there are four whatevers (avot nezikin) and then it tells you what they are without saying the cryptic and redundant this one W, this one X, this one Y, and this one Z. Rabbi Nachman Cohen in his hagaddah says that this is to accentuate that each one is a unique stand alone individual that can not be blurred with the one before or after. He adds that this is stressed at the family gathering of the seder because it's harder to cater to each child's essence when thety are all together at the Shabbos or Yom Tov table, in front of you at once with all their glorious differences.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Pesach Approaches

Perhaps tonight I will feel redeemed
Every Jew went out of Mitzrayim, including me
So there's hope to escape my metzarim
All holy beginnings start with a spark of faith
Children will find and return the redemption
Here and now salvation, a blink of G-d's eye

"I'm not deliberately different, I'm just me." - Albert Cullum

I recently had the merit to discover A Touch of Greatness, a film about Robert Cullum. He was a teacher from the forties until in death in the early Oughts. I will share a bit of my impressions of this capturing of a life (capturing a life is also known as attempting the impossible). This is one movie you've got to see for yourself. You may hate it. You may love it. Then we'll know if we can be best friends.

Interviewed as an old man Cullum speaks of how he believes pride empowers. He thinks of a class as a caboose and says that if the caboose gets there then everyone gets there, although - of course - some are pulling the front and some are bringing up the end.

He'd make spelling teams and have fourth graders competing to learn hundreds of words, many of which they put in the pool themselves, having seen the words on billboards or in a store window and then as per teachers' orders bringing them in. One student, older now, recalls this experience and names a name (and then feels bad, but not too bad) of an academically weak classmate whose mom didn't understand why this girl kept calling him to drill big words. They were team-mates, all competing in the word race together. (The same grown student speaks about how she was hesitant about singing in her role of Ophelia. She was down on her own singing because the music teacher told her she didn't have a good voice. She gives the music teacher's name. Louise Lipman is not afraid to name names).

He would build mountains with chairs for his fourth graders and they watch the mountain grown and then see what it looked like when the chair mountain crumbled to the ground. They mapped out the U.S. in the schoolyard and then rolled a paper Mississippi across it. Then they swam the Mississippi. Then they passed the river through the window and into and around the classroom. (This was all filmed by Robert Downey Sr, and the archival footage is powerful).

Many students are interviewed and share strong positive feelings, forty or fifty years later, about how much they loved their forth grade class. One student talks about how much he loved the class, how well he did. Cullum tells him a secret - that he sought this kid out and made a trade for him (two quiet students for this one noisy one) which the other teacher readily agreed to due to this kid's bad rep up till that point. (that student turned around and guess what profession he embraced as an adult.) Another of Al's pupils remembers begging to go to school when he was sick so he wouldn't miss the fun of his class.

Cullum addresses something that will happen for sure at some point in an elementary school year, a kid will suddenly vomit. We don't like to talk about it, but it's just life. In class when someone throws up all the other kids (or people if you will)will move away from that kid and what he has just deposited on the floor. Cullum had a different approach. He would have that kid go and sit in the teacher's chair. And then everyone else including him would clean up the mess, their mess, together. In case you're wondering, he felt it was important to make clear that he was the teacher and yet he also felt that they were all joined in the process.

He used to stay out of the teacher's lunchroom to avoid getting ulcer's because it was mostly a negative war zone where teachers put down this kid or vented about wanting to throw that one out the window. A colleague recalls other teachers being jealous of his success. A student recalls another teacher's complaint about the noise from Cullum's spelling competitions. She went to the principal. Al Cullum suggested she join in and that the two classes have a spelling competition. Guess which class won.

Cullum confesses that he had the acting bug and the inclination to be a star, but that underneath that his goal in the classroom was to turn everyone in the room into a star. One pointer he shares is to find every students point of success and work from there. Early on in teaching he realized he wasn't having fun and that if he wasn't enjoying the lesson the students wouldn't enjoy it either. He introduced more learning through play (ala John Dewey) into the proceedings, and everything - not least of all discipline - improved.

Former students have a reunion and reminisce. One of the many things they remember fondly is their conference of presidents. They had to research and play presidents (and town politicians came and participated). One boy played the president dubbed "the do nothing president." He figured he didn't have to prepare. He came in knowing nothing else about this president besides his nickname. Al gave him an F (though he questions that call now, saying, "I was a young teacher then - just learning").

There was a literary convention where students advocated for and then voted on a most popular writer. Cullum believes that if children are introduced to great writing when they are young, they never lose their love for it. An this includes - wait for it - poetry. He taught young children the poems of Federico Garcia Lorca. He was big on Shakespeare. In one clip of him teaching a fifth grade class a student says her favorite writer is Shakespeare because she liked him since she was first exposed to him when she saw Romeo and Juliet when she was in first grade (it was performed by Cullum's fourth grade class). A somber former member of Rye, New York's Board of Education almost cracks a smile when she recalls her son coming home from Cullum's class and announcing that April would be the four hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare's birth.

He was also dramatic arts director. He recalls that he never said how they should stand or move he only said whether he believed them or not. As a student recalls forty years after the fact, Al told them to be emotionally honest. She remembers playing a snowflake in fourth grade and wearing a snowflake on her head. The prop fell off and she fought didn't pick up the headband because it didn't jive with her take on Cullum's direction to be emotionally honest.

There's a clip of Cullum on CBS TV's Camera Three, in 1964. The interviewer confronts Cullum about his having said the "shocking" statement: "Don't let your fears of the classics spill upon your child. Insist that your school feed your child less Simple Simon and more Shakespeare. Don't limit your child's world." His response was that once the kids get an inkling of the mystery and magic of Shakespeare they're on board - and that adults often have lost that excitement, but kids haven't. At a later point he says that kids' success in capturing roles played an important part in them growing to feel good about themselves.

After years of teaching children Cullum became a college professor and he says, "It nearly killed me." In his estimation "teacher education is one of the most difficult things anyone can do." A colleague of Cullum's explains that what made it so hard was the fact that his education students didn't have the playfulness and joy that he believed is needed in teaching children. So his mission was to help them regain that childlike excitement themselves and to learn to truly respect that essential aspect of being a child. There's a scene of him having his college students crawl around the room and commending them and adding, "If you can't crawl on the floor, go sell junk jewelery."

I assumed that "A Touch of Greatness" the title as a praise of Cullum. (I'm sure it was, as the film was made by one of his students.) But at the end of the film Cullum says that he uses that phrase often, that the a teacher's job is to help a student find his or her touch of greatness. Once you make someone aware of their uniqueness that revelation and it's positive affect stays with them forever. While teaching on a university level Al also successfully ran theater programs in inner city elementary schools.

Cullum wrote a book, which at the end of this film he says he was fortunate to have written, called The Geranium on the Windowsill Just Died But Teacher You Went Right On. It is "dedicated to all those grownups, who as children died in the arms of compulsory education." He says, looking like he's on the verge of tears, that "teacher education on a national level is a cancer of mediocrity." He says teachers have to help kids balance but not hold them tightly, they need to be helped by teachers to be pointed toward doors and to go through them on their own as soon as they are ready and able to go. This sounds simple but often kids are stifled rather than encouraged to move ahead. Cullum feels that this idea is well represented in Picasso's Mother and Child. In that painting a mother balances - as opposed to holding - her infant on her lap, having him him poised to walk off her lap whenever he can. (He doesn't say it outright, but by referring to this image Cullum clearly believes that this idea applies to parents as well as to educators).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunlight Stumbled Across

Today was erev -erev Pesach and I'm not sure what to say. It's a merit to be able to keep others company and assist during hard times. Would we ask for such situations? No. And yet some of the most meaningful times I've had in life have been during the hard times of friends and family. Today was literally one of those days, which is a sad thing but not a bad thing and in some ways a good thing - all at once.

The school year's not done, in some ways it's not even a break because there are recommendations to write and preparation to do. And yet it is a time to pause and reflect on the school year so far.

I'm in a pensive mood. it'll pass. It's been about fifteen years. But it will pass.

Recently I placed a roll on a table near someone's book and they freaked because the roll was chameitz. What's this all about? Do you know what I'd have to have done to his book with my roll to cause him a real Pesach problem?

Have you ever been in a situation and you notice that a man and woman are attracted to each other? But they're not mentioning it. No one is. Awkward.

Do you think Ya'akov was sneaky? I think him of Ya'akov often. I think he was a shy, straight and narrow kind of guy who learned that he had to stand up for himself in this world as no-one else would or could.

I think that it this time of year it's important to take care of our self. Family and community are so stressed (tartei mashmah) that we need to remember that we're individuals. My chidush is that this may be the deeper meaning the obligation for every single person to see his or her self as if he or she went out of Mitzrayim.

Beautiful. It's the best word I can think of to describe the following poem. I was recently blessed to "chance" upon this. Beautiful. To see it with the proper breaks - somehow it didn't paste right and my assistant is out - go to The Wondering Minstrels blog. There, Rachel Morarjee shares this piece and explains how she "stumbled across" it in a book given to her while she was (is?) living in Afghanistan.

The Word
 Down near the bottom  of the crossed-out list  of things you have to do today,   between "green thread"  and "broccoli" you find  that you have penciled "sunlight."   Resting on the page, the word  is as beautiful, it touches you  as if you had a friend   and sunlight were a present  he had sent you from some place distant  as this morning -- to cheer you up,   and to remind you that,  among your duties, pleasure  is a thing,   that also needs accomplishing  Do you remember?  that time and light are kinds   of love, and love  is no less practical  than a coffee grinder   or a safe spare tire?  Tomorrow you may be utterly  without a clue   but today you get a telegram,  from the heart in exile  proclaiming that the kingdom   still exists,  the king and queen alive,  still speaking to their children,   - to any one among them  who can find the time,  to sit out in the sun and listen. 
- Tony Hoagland

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Wonder Who It Is

Someone gets to my blog regularly by searching the words "Painless poem." I wrote and shared this on March 22, 2005:

The Painless Poem

Such things
I want

If less
was all
I wanted
then what

I'd feel
less pain
more comfort
less real

Life Is Like Life

I mentioned obliquely when it appeared that Gil Student/Hirhurim posted abouthalacha/art/haiku/my book. I linked to it then. I just gave a look at the site and found that there are 27 comments. I thought it would be nice to add my comment and response (I emailed Gil when the piece first appeared). I realized that my comment would run long. I don't fully grasp the etiquette of blogging, even though I've been doing it for six and a half years. I suspect that it's proper to keep comments brief, otherwise it begins to resemble a hijacking. When you have a comment to make that's long enough for a full post then it may be time to start your own blog.

I recently wrote that it's good to ask yourself what good could come from your post before posting. I hope that the words of Yonatan ben Uziel can be applied to my postings, "Not for my honor, and not for the honor of my family, rather for Your Honor - so that arguments should not increase amoungst the Jewish People - Lo lichvodi velo lichvod beit abba, ela lichvodecha - shelo yarbu machloket beYisrael." I pray that my writing brings peace to all - including me.

I read the comments from the bottom up. I can't/won't respond to every comment. Here in my blog I do it my way, free-flowing while keeping within certain rules, which leads us to our starting point by way of two original poems.

Structureless poems;
do they exist? he asks me.
I think of Wynton:
"There's no freedom in freedom,
only freedom in strucure."

Wynton Marsalis said the quote cited above regarding jazz. His thought always reminds me -lehavdil - of "ein lecha ben chorin elah mi she'oseik beTorah." I think about the true meaning of freedom as Pesach comes around again:

Freedom in freedom,
Is it the right way to go?
Wynton Marsalis shakes his head no
"No freedom in freedom," he says
"only freedom in structure"
It's de rigueur

Talmudic rabbis agree
This we must understand
In Egypt, Israel, any land
There is no free man
Without the Torah of G-d.

Several commenters on Gil's post, "Judaism is like Haiku," made points about what defines a haiku. One reader noted that a haiku must be about nature, another questioned if it's just an elementary school thing or high art. I direct anyone who's curious about haiku to Jane Reichhold. You can read her work at, and you can view a wonderful workshop of hers about haiku (which opens with major misconceptions about haiku) by following this link.

Someone mentioned that their favorite haiku is the Shma. I first became aware of this idea when an article on this subject was posted on That piece has another point to it, and - IMHO - is worth reading (it happens to be short).

I recently wrote about and shared a youtube clip of what is considered by many to be the quintessential haiku. That clip illustrates that sounds in Japanese are not what we call syllables in English. The whole 5-7-5 rule is a Japanese thing. American poets who write haiku today all seem to agree that the structure of American haiku is defined as a three line poem of short lines, totaling less than 17 syllables (with the middle line, generally, being longest). You don't have to dismiss the Shma as haiku theory based on Hebrew grammar (i.e. the way I transliterated it) because it's not a matter of syllables in the first place. Still, I find the Shma as haiku idea cool, standing somewhere between the people who think it's ridiculous and those who see it as a proof of Torah min hashamayim. You can find the essay, The Jewish Haiku, by David Carasso, which is also a good intro to what haiku might or might not be, here.

Richard Wright, famous for other reasons, wrote many haiku. He comes to mind when I think of people who like me were, inexplicably, drawn to writing haiku. He generally stuck to the spirit of haiku and the 5-7-5 rule we all learned in third grade. One example:

Burning out its time,
And timing its own burning,
One lonely candle.

In an article on Wright's haiku, Ty Hadman writes, "I clearly remember reading Nick Virgilio's haiku that won the Eminent Mention Award in Modern Haiku in 1978: Old rabbi / unrolling Torah scroll: / bitter cold. His haiku was a real eye-opener for me. How many haiku that reflect some aspect of the Jewish religion and culture have you read since then?" Like many pieces that focus on one element or one writer in the realm of haiku Hadman's column provides a great introduction to haiku.

Wikipedia entry on senryu says that "much modern haiku is more similar to senryu than traditional haiku." That essay posits that senryu focused on human foibles. It also quotes Paul H. Henry as suggesting that American senryu be replaced with limerick. So the distinction between haiku and senryu is not as simple as one commenter on Gil's post made it out to be.

I envisioned this post as being a broad explanation of my connection to Torah, poetry, and art. The words are not coming quite the way I wanted and I feel like the time is passing to respond to Gil's post. He works on conventional blog time, which means keep it moving, next, next, next. So, I'm late.

I like the idea of freedom requiring parameters. The true meaning of freedom is something write about often. And yet, it is not in order to set a moshol into play that I write haiku. I write organically, as regular readers of this blog know and appreciate. It saddens me that people don't appreciate poetry. You don't have to like mine. But you should like someone's poems. And you should write your own - it's exercise for the soul.

I've written here myriad of times about the importance of poetry and how Torah and Tefilah is poetry. Last Tisha B'Av I was surprised when a prominent speaker on Kinot was flummoxed as to why in one kinah Moshe is referred to as Avigdor. I don't understand how such a bright person could miss that Avigdor was used due to the poetic form of the poem. Another prominent speaker once cited and mocked an Amichai poem about Yerushalayim in a talk. Sigh.

This post is coming to a close. I referred to some of Gil's post - not all, and some of the comments - not all. I want to thank Gil for being kind in writing about my book. I am grateful to you Gil. I am also grateful to the many other people who have appreciated the book and and have made clear that they liked the book and the blog that spawned it.

I am not, nor have I ever been Shakespeare. The greatest haiku writer ever, "the Shakespeare of haiku," as it were, would be Basho. I want to thank Pesach for his comments on Gil's post,which did not come out of a vacuum.

good night and G-d bless
the non-Shakespearian writes
for now, life goes on

Shavua Tov

8:37 PM - Motzai Shabbos Kodesh - Just back from shul. Vin Scelsa is talking about the songs he just payed in his unique way. He's now marveling about Paul Simon's young man's voice which doesn't seem to have dropped in octaves. Next he talks about a song he played from the soundtrack of Wings of Desire, a film which he says changed the way he views life. He is also caught up in Cry Me a River, written by Arthur Hamilton, and its unique rhyme scheme and phrasing:

You drove me, nearly drove me, out of my head
while you never shed a tear. Remember? - I remember, all that you said,
you told me love was too plebeian,
told me you were through with me and...

Next Vin's taken by These Days and it's line about Jackson not needing to be reminded of his failures because he has not forgotten them. I'm taken by that too.

Recently a dear friend of mine, one of the most level headed, good hearted, and smart people I know told me that a his shul rabbi told him that he once asked a big rav about someone with mental health issues. The first question that the rav asked was if the person in question was over weight. My friend - who is working on losing weight - was impressed by that story. That story is not to my taste at all. I wonder if that rav would have asked the same thing if he himself were not fit and trim. Perhaps if he was overweight he'd have asked the opposite. For the past three weeks I've gone to Weight Watcher meetings. I'm down five pounds. Last week I lost one and didn't think it was much. Then the group leader passed around a simulated pound of fat. It's substantial - and gross. One skinny member was talking about how she wishes she didn't have to work so hard at it - how she sees other people and envies it being easy for them. She finds it hard to get that when people who are struggling see her they don't see her struggle, they just see a skinny person and probably wish it was easy for them like it is for her. One never knows, do one?

At one of my Shabbos meals a rabbi presented the gist of his shiur on the movie The Counterfeiters. He discussed the debate between two characters in the film as to whether or not it was allowed to help the Nazis counterfeit British currency in order to save their own lives. He had many sources to say that the answer was no. In the end - lamdus myriad mekoros aside - the answer is yes, of course it's allowed to do anything other than than the big three, to save your own life.

I read some Zelda over Shabbos. I wish I could have had a moment of her time, live - in person:

Distant Shame (excerpt)

I am bound in gratitude
to a pale green leaf -
for a leaf
is a hand
that pulls my soul from the abyss
with a simple, silky affection,
with no judgment about my life;
for a leaf is a startling story of freshness
and revival of the dead

Vin just played a song by Universal Thump. This group takes it's name from Herman Melville's Moby Dick (page 6). He's saying that one way or another we're all slaves and maybe it would be better if we could all be nicer to one another instead, but for now everyone is someone is someone's slave and someone else's master."

"Who ain't a slave? Tell me that. Well, then, however the old sea-captains may order me about- however they may thump and punch me about, I have the satisfaction of knowing that it is all right; that everybody else is one way or other served in much the same way- either in a physical or metaphysical point of view, that is; and so the universal thump is passed round, and all hands should rub each other's shoulder-blades, and be content. "

Lately I discovered the work of Max Gerson. It seems extreme but the way people (I) live is extreme the other way. What's considered normal is so unhealthy. It's ironic that on the holiday of freedom so many of us will continue to be enslaved to overeating and/or eating unhealthy foods, not to mention not exercising (oops).

Shabbos was restful. Thank G-d. Thank G-d. Thank G-d for everything.

Shavua Tov.

Friday, April 15, 2011

One of the reasons Shabbos before Pesach is called Shabbos HaGadol may be the following: We are all busy wishing each other a great Pesach, talking about our plans, anticipating the Chag. And yet, Shabbos is coming. We must remember. We must remember, always, how big Shabbos is.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Hagaddah 5771

Haiku of the Day

why does it feel so
hard to live in the moment,
when there is no choice?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hi Culture

I've been working on a post about the post that included a review of my book on Hirhurim. It keeps getting broader. I was thinking of including the above but can't wait. I was zocheh to see David Grisman and Andy Statman play on Sunday night. I took this photo at the show.

This cartoon is from The New Yorker of Feb. 28.

Both of these items, in my mind, argue that people today have a hard time with appreciating quality art. Why?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Something To Cherish - Both Ways

A dear friend recently insisted on paying for my book. Then he handed me a bright yellow paper with these words written on it:

Buying these poems means having them
you already have them.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This Moment - So Beautiful

I'm in the middle of several project-posts. And yet I feel like blogging classically, in the moment. I'm sitting in the basement of the home I grew up in. Last night, and the night before that, I slept in the bed and room I slept in as a child. I even did some pictures on the wall via the light from the side of the house next door - for old time's sake. Last night, just after shul, Shabbos, and havdallah wound down dad noticed that The Blind Side was starting. We watched it together. Dad had already seen it but watched it again with me. What a sweet movie about a gentle giant (and before you say it to yourself or feel compelled to write it here, let me say that it is about other things too). Lately I've been in touch (mostly around the issue/excuse of each of us working on losing weight) with a dear childhood/lifetime friend. I remember him telling me that when he was a kid his father turned to him as they exited the theater, after seeing Bang the Drum Slowly, "Man's inhumanity against man." It's wonderful for me when a movie addresses humanity, I see that as it's job. That reminds me of something a student said to me years ago. He, and others, felt that a teacher was insensitive and inappropriately harsh. He said that he expected more from an English teacher because the point of fiction and English, in general, as a discipline was to increase humanity. Go amazing student! Anyway, I'm in the basement where I used to go to be alone as a kid. They say you can't go home again. I don't get that, because I've gone over and over. Here I am. Paul Simon's new album is available on NPR till it's released on Tuesday. I'm listening now. He just sang, "I loved her the first time I saw her - I know that's a writing cliche..." (Love and Hard Times). Yesterday, the rabbi of my dad's shul announced that my book came out, after having read Gil Student's post about it and linking to that piece in the shul email-bulletin. One dear member of the congregation bought a copy and told me that through the poems he could see into my soul and added, "If you don't mind my saying." Not at all. That's the kind of comment I'm talking about. On Friday afternoon I received an email from a dear friend, which included these heartfelt words: "I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there with the haiku. I know that's not easy to do - and it feels significant. Very courageous, especially after your mother's passing... like sharing a vulnerable, genuine part of yourself with the world. I don't know- it feels connected somehow." Paul is now singing Questions for the Angels. "If an empty train in a railroad station calls you to it's destination can you choose another track? Will I wake up from these violent dreams with my hair as white as the morning moon? Questions for the angels Who believes in angels? I do" I love his winking reference to railroad stations and destinations. I love the whole album. I mean CD. I mean download. Time to go to my apartment; it's waiting silently for me.