Thanksgiving is here. Thank G-d. And now all those things that I've put off till now will simply happen, right? Recommendations, preparation, grading, and and and. Sleeping, reading, breathing, and, and, and. Sorting, figuring, deciding, and and and.
As I type, Adam Rafferty is playing a beautiful guitar piece named Simplicity and I hear in elements of Ani Mavtiach Lach. I remember being in sixth grade and our class gave the music teacher a run for his money. He was teaching us that song, telling us the bittersweet, beautiful meaning of it, but we were having none of it. Our Rebbe Without Smicha told us that we were a great class, and he had had teachers like that, and he understood, but still...
I love the word "still." I love how it means yet and also standing in place - as in "a still, small voice." I love words and yet I fear them. I am writing freestyle now, as I often do, Who knows what will happen.
Sometimes I think that I should have thought that third time before starting a blog. So many words have rippled in so many directions. So much of my life has been exposed and changed through this, largely, one way mirror.
Some good stuff is tucked in nooks and crannies over four years of entries. Look around. I'll help. Three years ago I wrote this, right before I performed the wedding of dear friends. Here are some of the thoughts I prepared and shared at their wedding.
A student looked at me and the bags under my eyes, sensed my tired essence and sweetly said, "Rabbi, I think you need this vacation more than any of us."
So I'm going to push publish. First, here's a really nice guitar piece by Andy Mckee. Second, and last, for now - here's a haiku.
I don't blog daily
Such foolish consistency
Says "I have no life"
- Siobhan Adcock
Such foolish consistency
Says "I have no life"
- Siobhan Adcock
Finally, wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Here's a short poem by me. Some students said it sounded like hallmark. They meant that as a compliment.
Everyday is Thanksgiving
In G-d's world
In my mind
Every day is Thanksgiving
If we thank Him
all the time
Every day is Thanksgiving
The yield of the still
It derives from still water
But still yields tumult
Thanks. Nice.
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