Saturday, November 06, 2021

 8:11 PM - Praying for others. Introverting.. Just back from Shul, though Shabbos ended a while ago.  Shul was beautiful and meaningful.  I got a package on Shabbos I'm curious to see...

8:17 PM - Playing this music - - soft instrumental music relaxes me, thank G-d.  I opened the package.  Funny with ordering things, sometimes you order and it takes forever to come, and sometimes you order and - like this time - it comes the next day.  I just lit two scented tealights - soy ones, I think it's my last two.  I was reminded of them by the package, which was a box of unscented soy tealights.  

8:22 PM - Someone at Shul told me they're watching a new movie.  I recalled reading a positive review. Double checked- 94% on RT.  Reviews matter to me.

I heard a theory recently that extroverts are under stimulated and introverts are over stimulated. This is why introverts need to recharge and rebalance and calm down by having time completely alone.  And this explains why extroverts are always looking to get energy and stimulation from others, even if it's just one person.

8:43 PM - Been sitting the whole time.  I read over this past year that sitting for 20 minutes without getting up and moving does damage to our body and getting up undoes the damage.

8:55 - My phone now has me at 124 steps for today.  I walked a good deal more (my estimate is around 6000 steps, as I went across my neighborhood, and also got several flights in).  I doesn't count Shabbos steps... I t was good to just take a break.  Emailed a friend.  Put up some water to boil eggs.  Life is like a song, the song doesn't exist till you put the pieces together. 

9:19 - Time goes, everything takes it. Just cup up some salad, which I find time consuming, but worth it, but time consuming.  I heard an icebreaker today- loosely related to the parshah (Toldot) - what is a food you really love (I said salad) and as much as you love that food what you be willing to give it up forever for (I said for move even keeled-ness and inner peace).

I just boiled eggs and did that method of cooking them slightly and then leaving them in the hot water. This is supposed to help avoid them getting grey in the middle.  Maybe they'll congeal more by sitting- the one I tested/tasted was a bit less done than I prefer (but I wonder how much I really mind that it was not well done and how much I'm projecting onto myself the opinions of others).

9:28 PM - I may break rom here for a while,, I think I may write in my private diary, among doing other things I need to do...

10:07 PM - Hiding and revealing, that's what I do, here, in general.  Is it what we all do? I guess to some extent.  We all also breathe, but we don't all hyperventilate.  We humans do the same things but in different proportions.  Years ago I was uncomfortable with someone's anger and people said to me, "Everyone gets angry." And that's when I came up with that hyperventilating line.

10:59 PM - Been sitting straight once again, too long...

Have mixed feelings about sharing here, mixed feelings in general... welcome to my world.


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