Monday, October 04, 2021

Social Media Down

* OK.  It's been proven that I'm addicted to Facebook.  We're a few hours in to a crash of Facebook (yes, still down. I just checked.  Again.  And I need to write somewhere.  (If I was my blog I wouldn't believe any of the following:)

I have been thinking about my blog a lot lately, and how I've always liked it better than Facebook.  I miss blogging.  

** I was looking for my phone all over.  Then I sat down at my desk, stopped looking, started working on computer.  Next thing I know my phone was in my hand (I vaguely remember picking it up off the desk with no thought) and I was using it, and i forgot b- till I remembered that I had been spending so long, just before, looking for it.

*** Thinking about Noach. Like Avraham, soon, and Pinchas, later, Noach is introduced at the end of one parsha, before he's mentioned again the parsha normally associated with him.

At he end of Breishit we're told that G-d saw "how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time." "And the L-rd regretted that He had made man on earth, and His heart was saddened." And the Torh says that He said, “I will blot out from the earth the men whom I created—men together with beasts, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I regret that I made them.” And right after that Parshat Breishit ends with this line: "And Noah found favor with the LORD."

My dear friend Rabbi Shamai Wahrman had an observation that I'm going to riff on:

G-d, as it were, had a project, and it went really badly.  He's frustrated and says he has to scrap the whole thing.  But there's one small percentage of the project that is great. And before scrapping the project and saving the one tiny good part of it, comes this: "And Noah found favor with the LORD." He stopped and enjoyed the good.  And this is modelling for us.

**** Typing now, hours after I started writing here.  On the phone with a computer guy who is helping me, please G-d.  He got rid of a virus, is helping me get 16 more gigs of RAM...


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