Sunday, August 02, 2020

In the mishnah in Avot, Raban Gamliel the son of Rabbi Yrhudah HaNassi says, "Be careful with government, because they only get close to a person for their own needs, they act like they love you in the time that they benefit from it, and they do not stand up for a person in his hour of need."

I looked at a bunch of commentaries, and here's some of what I found:

This needs to be balanced and fit together with some other statements in Avot: "Pray for the welfare of the government because without fear of them people would eat each other alive." So it's a balance between praying for them because we need then on the one hand and not being naively trusting of them on the other hand.

Previously, Shmaya said "Love work." Raban Gamliel follows that up by saying that work is good when it accompanies the study of Torah. Shmaya said to hate being a communal leader, and Raban Gamliel adds that you need to be a community leader, but to do it for the sake of Heaven, and to keep the spiritual side of things in mind. And Shmaya says not to align with the government, and again Raban Gamliel amends that sometimes you have to but the key is to be wary.


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