Sunday, January 13, 2019


Nesivos Shalom: 

There were four stages of redemption. The first ones were about getting unstuck, the sur mei rah, and the second part was the growing into the positive, the asei tov. 

These stages are repeated every week as we enter a form of exile, and then Shabbos removes us from the negative of the week and gifts us with the positive, as only she can. 

The fifth part of the redemption is the entering into Israel, which is described with two seemingly conflicting terms: we're told that G-d will give us Israel as an inheritance. A gift is a higher level than an inheritance, because inheritances are a lock, while gifts are earned and given based on feeling. Israel has both of these elements, as does Torah, and Shabbos. 

The Gemorah says that three things are aquired through the suffereng of hard work: Israel, Torah, and Olam Habah (World to Come), which the NS explains is an exponentially higher level of experiencing Shabbos. The way that we get the loving gift from G-d element of these things (in addition to the birthright/inheritance element) is by working hard to achieve them. May we be so blessed.


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