Friday, January 15, 2016

Real Haiku

Real feel temperatures
make me wonder what is real;
is it what I feel?

What truly exists?
Not imagined or supposed
Bonafide, for real

Can real be ideal
How to balance what we feel
Should our brains appeal?

They are not real, yet
they ruin many endings:
flawed expectations

Gray does not feel great
as it grates away color
and yet if feels real

Diet Coke and cake
is nothing to make fun of
Better than real Coke

Like our broken hearts
What we think is half is whole
In the most real way

These Jewish haiku,
some short poems by a Jew:
Seriously real

When I'm in a dream
I struggle as though it's real
As when I'm awake

He looks at it and
realizes all at once
that this is his life

"We were like dreamers"
we will one day say of life
that we thought was real

Wanting to be real
He seeks a stand up routine
For a dose of truth

The Torah tells us
"Justice, justice shall ye seek"
your way, and for real

And having said that
I will unsay what I said
and say what I mean

Sometimes I want to
Clear the slate and start over
Sometimes I am real

Sometimes we rise up
To the expected level
And make a dream real

What really exists
not imagined or dismissed
true and actual


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