Friday, May 09, 2014


11:59 AM - I'm taking a moment to pause and be grateful.  My cold seems to be retreating.  A rich and fulfilling week is winding down.  it's Erev Shabbos.  Thank you G-d, for everything.

This week included many holy moments.  i witnessed a student who came in and saw that another student took his seat handle it well.  I complimented him and he said, it's all about reaction time,  rabbi."  How can a cool and normal 14 year old be so wise?

I had the privilege of portraying Natan Sharansky 4 times in my segment of a round robin program on Yom HaAtzmaut. We tried to focus on his longing for and love of israel, and also his heroic passion and his truth fulness.  In the opening scene a guard says he is imprisoned and he says he is free.  The guard asks, "Who is the one behind bars?" To this Sharansky replies, "Who is the one who can't speak the truth?" It was hard work constructing the scene on pulling it off 4 times in a row.  it was also fulfilling, meaningful, rejuvenating.  I am grateful to G-d.

I have an appointment with a student any second now and then a meeting with an administrator. It can be a challenge to see logistical work regarding class changes and the like in a meaningful way.  Truth is that it's people work, it's chesed, helping people get their needs met, and learn and grow in the most comfortable way possible.  I thank G-d for every element of my job.

In this week's short Dvar Torah that I do at minyan I spoke about Shmittah. One take on it is that it was a year off from work and its point was to push people to define themselves in a way other than through their work.  We need to see ourselves as souls on earth with callings.

I am grateful that my father is alive.  It's  year since he fell.  The miracle man lives on.  Thank G-d.

12:15 - Student just came, administrator just asken if we're meeting soon.

1:00 PM - Both those meetings went well, please G-d/thank G-d.

5:34 PM - Trying to balance life's various parts.  Thank G-d for the health an energy I have.  Home now, moving toward Shabbos, starting at 7.  Looking forward.

6:17 PM - Shabbos is approaching with a smile on her face and a flower in her hair.  The week is stepping backwards contritely. My cold is receding.  My soul thirsts for G-d.  For Shabbos. Signing off and wishing the world a wonderful Shabbos.


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