Friday, February 21, 2014

I am consumed by stories and storytelling. Here are 10 reasons why:

1. Stories distinguish us as human.

2. Stories are true, whether they happened or not.

3. Once the thing has happened what's left is the story that one weaves.

4. Stories can help us fall asleep.

5. Stories can help us wake up.

6. G-d opens his book and runs for a long time with stories. Think about that the next time you're about to knock storytelling.

7. We regularly tell ourselves stories.

8. It serves us well when we pay attention to and tweak the stories we tell ourselves.

9. It serves us well when we pay attention to and tweak the stories we tell others.

10. Truth that's dressed in a good joke/story is generally well received (and saves you from being killed, because no-one likes being shown the naked truth).


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