Wednesday, May 02, 2012

While, Breathing, Alone, We Live

A breath can save your life
because breathing is essential
can change everything
doesn't let you lose

Everything depends on breath;
finally this becomes clear as
great people disappear with their last breath

Happiness is a long inhale and exhale
Idealogy of breathing is the one that matters most
Just a second, just a breath, just a life

Kites fly and boats sail in the wind
like we float on our own breaths

Many lives have been saved by breathing, while
not breathing can be fatal

Open your mouth - and breathe, rather than speak
Perchance to breathe
Quietly sit still in a dark comfortable place
Right now, work hard and do nothing but breathe

Survival depends largely on breath
Try to focus on breath instead of the supposed task at hand

Under our breath we need to breathe

Victory rests in a breath


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