Thursday, November 04, 2010

Oye Como Va

Click here for Toldot vort by me.

Today I went to a funeral. It's too sad to put in many words.

It's a giant tear
read with an ay or ee sound
drenched, and ripped apart

I'm eating sea bass at this second - does that have omega 3? Do all fish? I know I could look it up, but I'd rather throw it out here/there. When is it out here, and when out there? When is it alright now and when is it alright then?

When someone asks how you or someone you care about are and you say thanks for asking, what does that mean? I think it can mean - I really appreciate your asking, because I've wanted you/someone to ask. Or it could mean - wow, you asked and I didn't know you cared. Or it could just mean, I appreciate the thought and think it's nice to let you know that, so I'm thanking you for asking.

Laurel and Hardy came up today in conversation and my friend said that they're slapstick. I think was set them apart was a poetry in motion that other teams of that era didn't have. Their movements and dances were elegant - like ballet. They were light on their feet and danced rigorously, yet beautifully in a way would work well with today's music, just as it did in their time. This last point is illustrated by the following clip, in which Laurel and Hardy groove to Santana's Oye Como Va. I could watch this all day.

The other day I was struck by the words, "Ki lo azavta dorshechah Hashem." I think someone who truly seeks G-d and views the seeking as more key than the finding will never feel abandoned by G-d. (I think azivah - abandonment is an emotional feeling rather than an objective reality. This fits here, also regarding the statement of Dovid Hamelech that a tzadik will never be ne'ezav, meaning he'll never feel abandoned by G-d. Also people are commanded to be ozeiv - abandon their parents. This reflects the emotional response parents will experience.)


Anonymous Elie said...

2 things that really stood out to me from what was said at the funeral:

1) the man who said to a living relative, "the best compliment i can offer you is that you both are of the same neshama"

2) "when you were with her, you felt that you mattered"

November 5, 2010 at 9:49 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

chilling. sigh. your number 2 really strikes/struck me...

btw who are you? (you can tell me off line?)

November 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Minnesota Mamaleh said...

love the glimpse into your mind. i especially liked the "how are you, thanks for asking" analysis. we answer so automatically, but you're right it's a gracious question and a gracious answer.

omega 3s-- i think all fish have some form of the good stuff, right?

so sorry about your loss. very sad, indeed.

November 5, 2010 at 3:39 PM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

thanks mm. i wonder how much of a glimpse i should give... i apprecite your comment. cool that i saw it right after you wrote it, almost like a (dangling) conversation.

November 5, 2010 at 3:42 PM  
Blogger kishke said...

All fish has omega-3, but it's the oily kinds of fish that have the most, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel. I don't think a white fish like sea bass has a lot of omega-3.

November 8, 2010 at 1:17 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

thanks k.

November 8, 2010 at 6:26 AM  

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