Thursday, July 01, 2010

"I am with book."

5:52 PM -Day 4. I'm counting. And enjoying. Tuesday was a fast day (there's an oxymoron for you). Does it count as a vacation day? It feels to me like an off the radar, off the books, supra-natural kind of day. You know what I mean? I have been successful in meeting with people and taking care of some of the things I've wanted to. I've been out and about all day today, as I was yesterday.

I am once again writing from Barnes and Noble. I'm sitting in the same aisle, different branch.

Yesterday I bought a new bio on Rabi Yehuda HaLevi. I'm loving it.


On the street before I passed this scene.

Female Half of Couple: (Forcefully, with affect and body language that telegraphs different message than words): "You're sure I'm not pressuring you into anything?

Male Half of Couple (Looking scared and tired, sounding resentful): "Yes."

Female etc: (more strongly stressing the double bind): You sure?

Male etc: (with intense resentment) "YES!"


6:18 PM - "I was with book, as a woman is with child." - C.S.. Lewis in Till We Have Faces.

I love that. I am definitely with book (which beats being with cold).

6:35 PM - I'm looking through the new book on the Lubavitcher Rebbe. I'm surprised that they don't acknowledge this book, which seems to have done what these authors did, but a while ago, on his own.

Off for now, more soon. Maybe.

Our world, like Our Town
has undetected sweetness
every single day


Anonymous Shira at Table Poetry said...

'I was with book'. I love that quote. Good luck. Leida kalla, as they say.

July 2, 2010 at 2:18 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Thanks Shira. When I have a cold I sometimes say, "I am with cold." My mother used to call me on that, didn't think it was correct English...

July 2, 2010 at 10:12 AM  

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