Sunday, May 23, 2010

Zeetuay: Xylophones Lately

Zen Buddhism doesn't strike me as offering a truth that's not in Judaism
You'd think people could get that it's best to look first in your backyard
Xylophones and childhood: I wonder why I've seen no Xylophones lately
Why do people think that the music of youth has to be faded away
Vineyards wind throught the landscape of my imagination
Until is a double edged word, a word I get stuck in like since
Sometimes time gets stuck in my throat, there is nothing I can do to speak
Really I feel like I use too many or too few words every time I speak
Quietness can be busier than long talk
Perhaps is a mantra in my bloodstream
Or; a small operative word for me representing options endless options
Nice to meet you is a phrase I say and hear and wonder when it's true
My complexity is high priced, and on sale, at once
Loneliness has no face
Kick me sign placed on me at eleven haunts me still
Just kidding is a phrase which shoiud be banned - think about it
Intimacy of words can be imoral
Hiding sometimes is to be respected
Goodness can only chase us if we have no solid home base
Forgiveness is a high rung of divinity
Everything has symetry, symetry has everything
Do unto others... All else is commentary
Come let us be bloggers and readers and sit for a while
Business your own mind
Alone we are born - cliche'd and unique, and as for death - the same


Blogger Miss Trudy said...

I like this. I think there is a lot in it that is universal--as universal as something can get--emotions and states of mind that all humans share, have shared, at some point. Yet we're trapped inside our minds and words often fail. Thus, in a world full of us, we're uniquely alone in our thoughts and feelings.

May 24, 2010 at 11:28 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Thanks, I appreciate that.

I assume the style - using the alphabet backwards to beging each line - was clear.

May 24, 2010 at 1:22 PM  

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