Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shavua Tov

I get insulted all the time when people's lips are moving but they don't realize they're talking. Someone once asked me why I blog and I said to vent and she said , "When I want to vent I email a friend." Was the implication that I don't have friends? I do.

It's the first year that I didn't do an anniversary post. Let me just now thank those who read and tell you that it means a lot to me that my words mean a lot to you. And those friends and family members who don't read, I think we'd all benefit from your reading. One man one vote.

How was your Shabbos? Mine was nice, thank G-d - visited D and M. I saw a nice Sforno cited that explains that the words that say that we will be many/great follow the words saying we'll be like dust because the process is such that we must be denigrated (galut) before we are redeemed (geulah). (via Stone Chumash).

I must go home again
Or for the first time
I must return to myself
Or find for the first time
Who I am writing this


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