Saturday, August 22, 2009


"Those three times of daily prayer
are the fruits of his day and night,
and the Sabbath is the fruit of the week,
because it has been appointed
to establish the connection with the Divine spirit
and to serve G-d in joy, not in sadness."
From The Kuzari, as cited in The Sachs Siddur
I haven't posted in question form in a while, have I?
What makes one a writer, being published, being read, or - wait for it - writing?
What exactly is a friend? Is platonic friendship possible?
What will losing weight get me? And then? And then? And then?
Will I get more used to Q.C.'s book? Could it be that I'm having a hard time getting used to her as a book author as opposed to a blogger?
Have you heard the pretty good Jukebox The Ghost?
Will I get through The Magicians even though it's fantasy?
Am I afraid of going to sleep at night and if so - why?
As a ceiling fan blows His breath
Upon me, rippling my diary pages
And He puts heavy sleep upon me
I write, "Good night and G-d bless."


Blogger kishke said...

Being published, but even then, not necessarily a good writer.

Platonic friendship is definitely possible ... between people of the same gender. Well, also between people of different genders where there's no physical attraction. Elsewhere, it's dicey, but it would depend on how strictly you define platonic.

Losing weight will get you good health. The "and then" is self-evident.

August 23, 2009 at 8:57 AM  
Blogger rr said... they say on family feud...good answer, good answer...

August 23, 2009 at 1:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

One who writes is a writer. Beyond that, you need to add qualifiers. "Published writer," "good writer," etc. (IMO)

I have concluded, like Kishke, that platonic friendship is possible only when no sexual attraction exists. One of my best friends is a gay man, and that dynamic works very well.

With losing weight, it's all in your expectations. Being thin won't necessarily change your life (I've been all sizes from gawky-skinny to my current "not-so-pleasantly plump" in my adult lifetime), but it will improve your life expectancy and your ability to do physical things. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then you may experience life some transformations. So: it's a big question mark!


August 23, 2009 at 10:37 PM  

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