Monday, July 13, 2009

Time Takes Time

Prompts us to show what we know
When it's not our turn
When someone else has the stage
It makes us look quite foolish
This tanka style poem is not about this post or about my blog in general. I embrace comments here. And I am (some say too) happy to take questions and comments when I teach.
I have caught myself and others speaking out of turn, looking to hear our own voices, to remind the world we exist. Sometimes it's good to simply listen until our turn to speak comes along. "Ein lechah adam she'ein lo sha'ah."
Are we all "thank G-d?"
Are we exactly the same
Under the headline?
That was inspired by this funny feeling I get when I exchange "how are you"s with someone and we each say, "Thank G-d."
King David said it
That, "For You silence is praise"
But we prefer words
We flee from intense silence
We fear that intimacy
I thought of this one night during davening, wondering how pleased Hashem is with our hacksaw like mumbling of prayer.
I hope that everyone is having a good day. I keep getting asked how my summer is going. I still feel connected to work, not fully separated. Time takes time.


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