Friday, June 12, 2009

Why Is Avot In Nezikin? - A Graduation/Siyum Thought

The senior class made a siyum on 3 sedarim of mishnayot at their graduation. The student speaker in honor of the occasion wondered aloud why Avot is in Nezikin. She referenced Kahati, who cites the Rambam, who says that the lesson is that judges must sympathize with the involved parties, or they will not be able to judge fairly, in addition to losing the respect of the litigants. This represents the idea that Nezikin is largely technical and one can lose sight of the meaning behind the laws. Avot was placed in Nezikin as a safety valve, which reminds us of the values behind the rules. Avot is the glue that holds all of Nezikin together.

It's kind of cool that 4 years ago at the start of this student's first year of high school, at her freshman Shabbaton she offered to help carry my bags to the car. She is a true baal midot/bat Torah who reiterates what she says through how she lives.

Kein Yirbu.


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