Contest Announcement and More
Get The Picture?
If you're in a punny mood guess the name of this picture by Josh Baum. For the answer click here.
In Chumash Class
Today the kids were quick to defend and explain Yaakov's posing as Eisav. We had a discussion about when you can lie. The answer is that you can lie for the sake of peace. Some kids felt that protecting yourself may be within the parameters of peace (like lying to parents about being at a party so they won't get mad at you) others in this sophomore class felt that such a defense was ridiculous. But as I said they were quack to defend Yaakov. Who's idea was the disguise? Rivka suggests it not when she tells Yaakov to go to Yitzchak, but after he raises his fear of having his smooth skin felt by his father. Trivia question - what parts of his body did Yaakov cover with animal skin? Another question - why did Eisav have fancy clothing at his parents' home if he was already married and out of the house? Another question - Yitzchak assumes that it's Eisav who comes, but then gets suspicious and asks to feel this person and check. Could it be that Yaakov created a self fulfilling prophecy? Why didn't Yaakov think to disguise his voice? Or did he?
And now for the first ever writing competition at this blog. A winner and runners up will be acknowledged and greatly praised based on content and presentation - 300 word limit. Pick from any or all of the questions below:
What is the goal of a teacher?
Does it depend on the setting?
What's the goal in Jewish Studies?
Might it be that context matters? Defend your answer.
What do you have to say about your favorite teachers. Who was one of yours? Why? What specific incidents stayed with you? Do you have a favorite administrator? Explain.
The stars of the original British Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Starting tonight till January 7th at 8PM at 511 W54 St. at 10th Ave. (Ars Nova)
Torah Thought
The author of Chovat HaTalmidim sad that it was worth being alive to do one act of chesed. This thought inspired a specific talmid of his who survived the Holocaust and after through keeping this idea always in mind.
"Kinderlach, Gedenk Shoin! The greatest thing you can do for another yid is a toiva!"
Yaher Ko'ach!
Thanks Shmule, for finding this, taking it in, and commenting.
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