Monday, August 28, 2006

Will Clean Your Whole House & Everything That's In It

I never clean my home like I do when I have a deadline for work. The Clorox comes out. I get the idea in my head that I can't do this one thing until everything else is in order. How can I sit down and write a recommendation, the desk is a mess? Suddenly the desk bothers me.

If I understand him, Billy Collins is addressing this Mr. Clean phenomenon in his Advice For Writers. I can't find that poem on line, but you can imagine - if you know his style. Here now is a response and homage from an aspiring poet:

A Reply to Billy Collins
By Derrick Porter

Thank you for your advice, since when
I have washed down every wall,
the floor shining like Solomon's palace,
and a second letter to the Pope
sits spotless on the hall table.

As there are no fields or rocks nearby
I scoured undersides of pots placed
around the garden, but the only eggs found
were on rafts of migratory ants which flew out
whenever I managed to lift any flagstone.

On returning to the house I stowed
what brushes were found under the sink.
Did it matter they were hardened white,
and the sponge a body part
collected from a skeletal coral?

At dawn - weary-eyed - I encountered
the immaculate altar of my desk,
but the only sully rising from its surface
was a stack of poems that rose like layers
of ungarnished tortilla.

From a small jug, lapis lazuli,
I took the sharpest (the only) pencil,
and wrote the tiniest sentences possible.
Mr Collins, I have been up all night
and no ant has followed me in from the wood.


Blogger Shoshana said...

I've always commented that it's amazing how clean my apartment gets during finals. All of a sudden, everything needs to be completely organized and spotless (lest a paper actually get written!).

August 28, 2006 at 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i feel the need to procrastinate, my house doesn't get a good cleaning...i go straight to NYs Funniest Rabbi and presto...i can put off what i need to do for hours!

August 28, 2006 at 5:40 PM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Yep, Shashana - exactly.

Bobette, thanks for makng me laugh out loud. I didn't see that coming.

August 28, 2006 at 5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it on purpose that the title of this post is the old slogan for Mr. Clean?

August 31, 2006 at 1:03 AM  

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