Saturday, August 19, 2006

VeHevei Dan Et Kol HaAdam...

Tonight during a Pirkei Avot class I asked for ideas as to why the mishnah says to appoint a rabbi and aquire a friend and then follows that with saying to judge everyone favorably. What's the connection between getting a rabbi and friend and judging others favorably? One man said that we tend to see our mentors and friends positively and should allow that attitude to spill over to everyone else. This was a new take that I liked very much. It reminded me of the statement in Kiddushin that a man must see a woman before he marries her lest he later find something detestable in her and not fulfil that which is written: "Ve'ahavta Lereacha Kamochah." The explanation I heard for this is that marriage is the context in which with one person you focus on fulfilling the mitzvah of loving somone as much as you love yourself and only then can you branch out from there.


Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

great interpretations!

here are a few more

August 20, 2006 at 1:05 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Thank Steg. I liked the your post and the discussion on your post. Seems this is a popular point to post on. I'd have known that had I judged people more favorably.

Mar Gavriel's suggestion is the Maharal - that Kol HaAdam means the entire person - that even if what he's doing now is clearly wrong, consider him holistically in a favorable light.

August 20, 2006 at 7:34 AM  

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