Monday, August 07, 2006

back by popular demand

sad state of affairs
it's just hard to tell who cares
trust their silverware


where I go I am
from myself I'm on the lam
but there's no escape


A fallen cracked egg
I've come here to beg for life
Hear my silent strife


Is it me or just
a we - a nation so old
we can barely see?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone would have come to me thirty years ago and told me than 30 years hence a student of mine would be known as NY's funniest rabbi, and that he would be a teacher and a stand-up comic, and a bit of a philosopher, and that he would have a blog site with lots of thought-provoking poems and beautiful Divrei Torah and all kinds of Torah questions...

I would have thought for a moment and said...

what's a blog?

Proud of you, my boy.

August 8, 2006 at 4:42 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

What IS a blog?

Thank you Mr. C.

August 8, 2006 at 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents are overly on top over what I wear, they should be expensive,like everyone. They never stop to appreciate what happens beyond that layer of clothes. And all they are concerned about
is what the neighbor down the street will think. I like to think of G-d,-of his geese and of the things that make me happy, not just the clothes, not just the clothes.

I got in the mood
of writing a haiku poem
no thing is better

better than any
food or clothing or money
is being with words

words understand me
they fear not what others say
like the geese in the lakes

my parent can't love
me, for what I am and be
lest someone say "hey"

Men and women will
always say nasty comments
without thought at all

and my parents won't ever
love me for my songs of life.
maybe geese in lakes?

geese do not care if
other birds will like my dress
whom I will impress

(and at the same time
will not confuse me with those
endless tznius rules)

words and geese are mine
because I can love them both
maybe they'll love me.

August 9, 2006 at 2:28 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Without meaning to, I created an approach I think - the free associative haiku chain.

These two struck me artistically and emotionally together:

better than any
food or clothing or money
is being with words

words understand me
they fear not what others say
like the geese in the lakes

But I appreciated the whole thing. Just as when I do this, when you did it some came out more straight forward and some more poetical. I liked the whole chain and the sentiment.

G-d beneath our clothes
He sees, beneath our skin too
In us He sees Him

August 9, 2006 at 9:10 AM  

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