Sunday, August 20, 2006

All In All...

I have to get used to not being able to go to the Kotel and get a minyan at any time. (What a zechut, to be able to wake up anytime between six and nine and be on time for a minyan at the holiest place n the world.) I have to get used to not being able to go to the kotel and sit and write, or say tehillim, or learn, or receive all friends and teachers and acquaintances. There are so many reasons that I love the Kotel and so many of these things that I wish I felt/saw more in beit medrashim and shuls. The broad range of people, the ability to just sit without feeling (too) judged by others for what you're learning, doing. Tehillim and personal prayers are an acceptable, even praiseworthy thing to spend time on. It feels to me that a beis medrash/shul s not often enough where you can simply sit and pray or learn n your own personal way.


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