Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Pinchas Postscript

The story of Pinchas takes place in Parshat Balak. Only the postscript of Pinchas' reward appears in the section that bears his name. Rabbi Moshe of Coucy explains that a thin line separates impulsive intolerance from righteous zeal. Time clarifies motivation. The pause between Pinchas' action and his repayment represent a period of observation. After evaluation proved Pinchas was mature and sincere, his behavior was rewarded.

Adolescence is a time of self discovery and a time of rebellion. Not always do convictions of youth last. Rabbi Abraham Twerski applies this to some anti-establishment rebels of the 1960s. He writes: "Twenty years later finds some of the most vehement protestors wearing business suits and conservative shoes, their hair neatly styled, and carrying briefcases as they emerge from their suburban homes, very much a part of the "establishment" which they had so violently condemned in their youth." He suggests that their actions were clearly informed by impetuousness endemic to their age.

Closer to home, there are many people who leave religion or find religion in their late teens and early twenties. Who they really want to be becomes clear only in time as their behavior at 21 becomes a footnote to their lives.

May we be blessed to be the best of our youth for the rest of our lives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this.

Erikson's stage of development-
identity formation,
importance of groups and peers,
ego strength,
it's all happening then.

it's like we're on cocaine for
10 years. are we surprised at the impetuousness?

rabbi, could you direct me, please, to posts on your blog on homsexuality? i'm sure you had a discussion surrounding it, like when that great film came out. . .

July 13, 2006 at 1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, just to clarify-- (i realized that the comment was vague and sounds very strange.)

as for my weird comparison of adolescence to being on cocaine, i wanna explain. perhaps it would have made more sense if i'd refered instead to the comparable drug, "speed," for this reason:

there are SO many often scary and rushed transitions that adolescents have to accomplish under considerable pressure, just to develop "normally." you'd almost have to be superman just to get through adolescence successfully. i can understand kids acting out from the pressure of it all.

as for my other question, i just saw the film "trembling" in school, and was wondering about the jewish discourse on it. so i am looking for relevant discussions on jewish blogs.

July 14, 2006 at 1:02 AM  

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