Thursday, June 15, 2006

Behaalotcha: Lashon Hara Lessons

There are four details about Lashon HaRa that, according to the Chafetz Chaim, we learn from the episode of Miriam’s words against Moshe.

First, she had saved Moshe’s life when he was a baby, so he owed his life to her. Nevertheless, she had no right to speak critically of him. Second, she said this only to her brother, who was also Moshe’s brother. Clearly Aharon was not going to spread this around; it was to stay between them. Despite the local nature of this infraction it was still inexcusable. Also, the Torah tells us at this point that Moshe was the most humble of men. Miriam was still wrong to criticize him, even though he was easy going about it. Finally, the Chafetz Chaim notes that Miriam didn't say anything completely negative, but only that even though Moshe was great, he was perhaps not on a high enough level of prophesy to act as he did. This was still Lashon HaRa. In addition I'd like to add a fifth point; if you are very close to someone, that does not give you free license to speak against him or her. Miriam was punished even though the Loshon HaRa she spoke was about her own beloved brother.

These lessons about Lashon Hara remain relevant. Often, we feel like we have a right to speak about others because they are under our charge. This applies to all of us at one time or another, whether as teachers, parents, coaches, siblings or friends. While others should appreciate the good we do for them, that goodness does not buy us the right to criticize them, even if we saved their lives.

If you tell someone who won’t tell anyone else, you still spoke Loshon HaRa. There is an internal damage, which occurs when you say Loshon HaRa, regardless of whether the external harm is great or small. While it is true that there is a mitigated heter to speak to someone in confidence for therapeutic reasons, it behooves us to not jump to rely on that leniency in a careless, common way. You never know what is inside a person, and it is quite possible that the self-effacing people who seem to mind least is hurt most of all by Loshon HaRa.

It is possible to rationalize Loshon HaRa by reframing it as constructive criticism. If we genuinely have to criticize someone we should ideally say it kindly, gently and face to face. Criticizing someone behind their back is Lashon HaRa.

We often think that Loshon Hara, or embarrassing people, doesn't apply to those with whom we are closest. The truth is that those we are closest to are often the most likely to be hurt by what we say. If we speak sharply about acquaintances (which we generally don’t do), it doesn’t sting strongly. But our brother, sister, friend cares what we say. It is the people we are closest to that we need to be most careful not to hurt.

May we be blessed to be sensitive in how we speak of others and to learn from this parsha just how careful we truly have to be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rebbe of mine in college once said that when trying to look for good in all things, because "kol d'asah haKBH ltav hu" he thought about movies. He said that at least it's two to three waking hours where there is no lashon hara! - excellent post - lashon harah is one of the hardest thing to overcome!

June 15, 2006 at 7:48 PM  
Blogger Shoshana said...

A great lesson. It's really hard not to speak loshon hara. But it's interesting that we are so careful about not wanting to hurt others, but then we speak about them like it doesn't matter. Thank you for your words, I'm going to try to keep them in mind.

June 15, 2006 at 8:51 PM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Thankyou for the comments.

Bob, I think there is great wisdom in your Rebbe's remark.

Thank you Shoshana, it sounds like you get it. I feel in the same boat, struggling with this hard imperative, not writing about my having acheived a high level but about the high level that the Chafetz Chaim explains that this parsha teaches us to strive for. As I wrote in conclusion, I think we all, me included, need Divine help here and I hope we get it.

June 19, 2006 at 12:16 AM  

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