Monday, December 19, 2005

Random Questions

1. What prophet was married to a bird?
2. What prophet was a bird?
3. What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
4. What is the only letter that does not appear in any of the United States?
5. She was a nurse and an astronaut, but could not bend her knees till 1965. Name her.
6. What sitcom star had peanut butter spread on his gums before the filming of each episode?
7. What film's opening moments contain the line "you can't save French toast?"
8. In what film does one character ask, "what are you gonna do, shoot all of us?" and the other replies, "no, just you."
9. What is Oscar Madison's middle name?
10. What group does Martin Barre play for?
11. Who sang "I Kissed A Girl?"
12. What song contains the words, almost as an aside, "and I'm getting old?"
13. What famous comedian had a variety show with special guests The Pips, without Gladys, singing and dancing only their parts?
14. Who was the first host of Saturday Night Live?
15. Who wrote Adjusting Sights?
16. Who wrote A Student's Guide To The Talmud?
17. In what year did the Chafetz Chaim die? And at what age?
18. Where did Ariel Sharon visit a few months ago that he had previously said he would never go?
19. What position did John Matlack play?
20. What did people sing that they were proud about drinking back in the seventies?


Blogger nyfunnyman said...

#1- barak? (whatever devorah's hubby was)
#2 Yonah
#3 strawberry's
#4- Q
#6 the famous MR. Ed
#7 ordinary people
#8 stand by me
#9 foghorn
#10- Jethro Tull
#11-Jill Sobul
#12- Heart of Gold
#13- marving gaye?
#14- if i remember correctly that was George Carlin
#15- Chaim Sabato
#16- was that the Maharitz Chiyus?
#17- he died in 1933, i think he was 106
#18- 1600 Penn. Ave (white house)
#19- pitcher (i'm a mets fan)

December 19, 2005 at 9:23 PM  
Blogger torontopearl said...

To add to, or to correct (ie. guess at)the supplied answers (no Googling for answers):

5. Barbie (tm)
13. Flip Wilson
20. Dr. Pepper

December 19, 2005 at 11:12 PM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

the correct answers have not yet been provided for

#13 (2 nice tries)
#17 (the Times had him as over a hundred but people in the know [Rabbi Herschel Schachter] say it was really somewhere in the nineties)
#18 (I think he was at the White House before, and I don't know that he said he would never go there.)

ny funnyman - that was an amazing showing. no googling! no-one ever gets that ordinary people line right away, or the stand by me, or know the members of jethro tull, or know who jill Sobule is. Wow.

Pearl, good save on a few, like Dr Pepper - but Flip Wilson was close but not it. Hint: the correct answer was a regular bit player on Flip Wilson's show.

December 20, 2005 at 12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew 2, 3, and 4. I'm feeling rather humbled.

December 20, 2005 at 12:36 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Who was that masked new york man who answered almost everything and then disappeared not leaving even an accessable blog behind?

December 25, 2005 at 1:46 PM  
Blogger Uri Cohen said...

Okay, here are answers to the unanswered ones. And no, googling is not cheating!

1. Moshe was married to Tzipporah.
9. Oscar Trevor Madison.
13. Richard Pryor.
17. The Chofetz Chaim was 95, according to the Encyclopedia Judaica.

But I still don't know where Ariel Sharon visited a few months ago that he had previously said he would never go. Any hints?

P.S. Anyone who reads this blog has heard of Jill Sobule. You refer to her pretty regularly.

December 26, 2005 at 9:31 AM  
Blogger rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Hint - I asked the Ariel Sharon question in Model UN Tryouts and was disappointed that almost no-one got it right.

Uri - nice job.

December 26, 2005 at 11:13 PM  
Blogger Uri Cohen said...

Okay, from the hint I guess you're referring to Sharon's speech to the UN General Assembly on September 15, 2005.

But when did he say he would never go there?

December 28, 2005 at 5:09 AM  

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