Thursday, May 12, 2005

Re; The Times (Click to Link To Styron Book)

I didn't write any intro for that post below. I should have included something like this:

I found this article very of great interest. Particularly interesting was the point about the glamour that many attribute to sadness and depression. A musician once told me that a mentor of his once reminded him that happiness is also an emotion.

This book sounds well researched, well grounded. Rabbi Abraham Twerski writes that depression is more common amoung Jews than other groups. It is a real thing, worth learning about.

I also found it interesting that he was critical of Styron (author of Sophie's Choice and more recently a book about his late in life bout with depression). Not long ago a prominent rabbi/educator (who was the Yom HaAtzmaut guest speaker today in the school I work in) wrote a first person piece in Jewish Action about his struggles with depression. One of the things he found helpful when he sat for hours upon hours reading everything he could find on the subject was Styron's book.


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