Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Public Domain

Here I am in the teacher's room. The big talk is last night's sleep over in school for Sophomores. Teachers are complaining that there are too many fun activities going on and about this one in particular. Teachers are really upset, grumbling behind this computer around the big rectangular wood table. But they're whispering, it's funny when people whisper angrily, a unique sound...

Now, they're getting louder, cant hold it in, explode loudly - "Do it PROPERLY, that's the key word." "Today's going to be a waste." "Mah Nishtanah?" "There are kids sleeping all over, what should I do, give up?" "I'm not right wing or anything, don't consider myself right wing at all, but was this appropriate?" "As long as the parents are happy and the kids get into good schools..." "It's frustrating, it really is to see the way things are evolving." "It's the me generation, entitlement" "The idea of a sleep overr in school." "Wasn't there supervision?" "There was."


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