Saturday, May 14, 2005

Another Saturday Night With Vin

Vin Scelsa (on 90.7FM in NYC every Saturday night from 8-12) is talking about aging. He's segued into talking about James Earl Jones and how with it he is. He just saw him in On Golden Pond and was amazed by his performance. His guest, Rebecca Martin (formerly of Once Blue) is talking about the diaries of someone that inspired her, someone who's older now and just gardens and does other things she loves. They're talking about focusing on what's important, particularly as we grow older.

Vin: "we hope we maintain brain power and health as we age, and then die painlessly." Bill McHenry, the sax player chimes in that when our bodies go, a person's memories go and that's what's sad. She brings up a Tom Waits song about a box in which everything cost a dollar. She remembers her family at bazars buying old boxes of memories of other families, pictures, nicknacks, etc... Vin points out how sad this is that sometimes these things are left to be cared for by strangers disconnected to the memories.


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